what is the company that owns youtube

According to the most recent SEC filings, he is a controlling shareholder with 389,051,160 Alphabet Class A and Class B shares. Google, itself a subsidiary of Alphabet, owns the most widely used search engine and the most visited website in the world. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it offers a plethora of web services that have established market dominance in email, navigation, cloud computing, web browsing, data storage, machine learning, self-driving cars, etc. Google Search generated an eye-popping $98.1 billion in 2019, the company says, but that’s just a 15 percent increase over 2018. YouTube, on the other hand, grew from $11.2 billion in 2018 to $15.15 billion last year, a 36.5 percent jump.

  1. Google agreed to the price, and YouTube said it was ready to do the deal.
  2. Let’s unfold these questions about a platform that redefined how we share and consume content in this digital age.
  3. The way Yu tells it, both Chen and Hurley were frustrated by the amount of meetings the company was having about copyright infringement, meetings that were becoming increasingly hostile.
  4. YouTube has constantly tweaked its policies and enforcement mechanisms around copyright, hate speech, misinformation, kid safety and more.

YouTube has grown into a significant source of Alphabet’s ad revenue, while also generating revenue through premium and YouTube TV subscriptions. Looker, founded in 2011 by Lloyd Tabb, helps companies to easily extract and analyze data. Most legacy business intelligence systems at the time required users to have engineering and programming expertise to extract data and analyze it.

YouTube Music

Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams argue in their book Wikinomics that YouTube is an example for an economy that is based on mass collaboration and makes use of the Internet. Headquartered in San Bruno, California, and having offices in different countries worldwide, it seems like YouTube has a promising future ahead as it adapts to the evolving needs of its vast and diverse user base. The platform has continued to grow and evolve over the years, and it has become one of the most popular websites in the world, which surely has many more milestones in between. The original idea was an online dating service named  “Tune In, Hook Up”, but it eventually failed. Google is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., a holding company that also owns other popular brands such as Google Search, Gmail, and Android. Alphabet has become one of the world’s largest technology conglomerates, with a market capitalization of $2.05 trillion as of Aug. 22, 2024.

Who are the largest shareholders in Alphabet?

In 2005 the American search engine company Google Inc. had launched a video service, Google Video, but it failed to generate much traffic, and Google was prompted to purchase YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock in November 2006. Rather than merging the Web sites, however, Google continued YouTube’s operation as before. It also agreed to remove tens of thousands of copyrighted video files from YouTube. In November 2008 Google reached an agreement with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (MGM), to show some of the studio’s full-length movies and television shows, the broadcasts being free to watch, with advertisements running alongside the programs.

Google stressed that the acquisition is about devices rather than data and made commitments that user data would not be used for Google ads. Fitbit was founded in 2007 by James Park and Eric Friedman, whose goal was to create a wearable product that leveraged wireless technology to enhance users’ health and fitness. The company’s products include smartwatches, armband fitness trackers, a digital fitness tracking application, and related gear, accessories, and services. However, Google also generates revenue from other sources, including sales of apps, in-app purchases, hardware, and licensing and service fees, including those received from Google Cloud and other products. The company offers performance advertising, which allows advertisers to connect with their users with measurable results. It also sells brand advertising, which aims to enhance users’ awareness and affinity with brands.

Today, we will explain who owns YouTube, how the platform rose to success, and the massive impact it has on the Internet. YouTube is an online video-sharing platform where you can share, watch, and upload videos. It is a platform that offers various features, making it a popular platform for creators and users alike. Based on every video upload, you can also add different annotations and captions and use its other features while uploading the videos to make them rank higher. On the other side, users can search and watch videos on any device, including smartphones, computers, tablets and more. YouTube Kids is an American children’s video app developed by YouTube, a subsidiary of Google.

One afternoon, the company had a contentious meeting with Universal Music, which was being “very, very aggressive” with YouTube in marking copyright violations of its music, according to Botha. Later that day, Chen and Hurley made their way to the bar next door to the YouTube office, 3rd Avenue Sports Bar, where they would sometimes go at night to have discussions about the company. They had taken a walk around the block in San Mateo and made a decision. Drummond and Yu, still shaking from the experience, signed the papers and went home, their respective companies celebrating for different reasons. Google, for acquiring what would become one of the most valuable parts of its growing empire.

According to an SEC report on December 30, 2023, Vanguard Group, Inc. owns 410,988,828 GOOG shares, which is 6.97% of the total GOOG shares, and 493,810,251 GOOGL shares, or 8.34% of all GOOGL shares. Yahoo’s statistics report shows that institutional investors hold 62.13% of GOOG (Class C shares) and 80.58% of GOOGL (Class A shares). The four largest institutional shareholders of Alphabet are Vanguard Group, BlackRock, State Street, and Fidelity Investments.

what is the company that owns youtube

A startup enthusiast, Ravpreet has written content about startups for over three years and helped them succeed. You can convert eth to eur, sell ether for euros also find her cooking, making singing videos, or walking on quiet streets in her free time. The main building is called the “YouTube Space”, where most of the company’s employees work. The YouTube Space has several features, including a video studio, a screening room, and a game room.

What Companies Are Owned by Google?

Shaping the Internet landscape and influencing cultural trends throughout our society, YouTube requires little introduction as, if you are reading this article, you are most likely already familiar with it. Botha, the Sequoia partner who served on YouTube’s board, remembers walking into YouTube’s office days after the deal was announced. After a year of getting to know everyone on a first-name basis, he says he was stunned to see new faces staring back at him. Life remained mostly unchanged for the YouTube crew after the acquisition was completed in November. YouTube was — and remains to this day — in a separate office in San Bruno. While some YouTube employees were in-the-know about the acquisition, others, like Misty Ewing-Davis, a content moderator, weren’t audusd forecast news and analysis clued in.

About Alphabet

From its humble beginnings as a dating app concept to its current status as part of Alphabet Inc., YouTube’s journey has been marked by various vital milestones and innovations, from which we could make the most remarkable ones. In June 2007, YouTube began trials of a system for automatic detection of uploaded videos that infringe copyright. In February 2022, Microsoft (MSFT) was reportedly interested in buying Mandiant.

YouTube has become synonymous with online video, but the now-ubiquitous video sharing platform struggled to take off after its founding in 2005. Through constant evolution and innovation, YouTube overcame a slow start to become one of the most influential and culturally significant internet companies in the world. However, after the infamous Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson Super Bowl halftime show incident, the three creators were trying to find that video on the internet, but couldn’t find videos of it on the internet. That was when they realised there was no easy way to share bond yield to maturity calculator for comparing bonds videos online. To serve that need, the three founders changed their concept to a video-sharing platform, and YouTube was born in 2005. Since its launch, YouTube has greatly impacted how we consume and share information.

Advertisers can place their ads on YouTube videos, and creators can earn money from them. However, if creators want, they can also charge for subscriptions to their channels and sell products through YouTube’s commerce platform. Shortly after the site opened on a limited (“beta”) basis in May 2005, it was attracting some 30,000 visitors per day. By the time YouTube was officially launched on December 15, 2005, it was serving more than two million video views each day.

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